Maybe you've had an idea you've longed to write for years or maybe you only have a spark of inspiration, but what do you do next? The blank page can be daunting, so let us help you go from zero to a completed draft!
In this package, you will receive six one-on-one video calls with Beth and Cristin tailored to your schedule and writing speed that are designed to help you get those words out of your head and onto the page.
CALL 1: Chat with Beth about your idea. She'll help you develop it and make sure you're starting with a solid structure that can serve as your novel's foundation.
CALL 2: Check in with Cristin during the drafting process. Talk through any issues you're having with the novel or the writing process and come up with concrete strategies to solve them.
CALL 3: Beth will read and go over your first fifty pages with you to make sure you're headed in the right direction and do any course-correcting before you get too far in the weeds.
CALL 4: After revisiting your opening pages to address anything that's not working, talk to Cristin for a second opinion and a check-in on your headspace.
CALL 5: Beth will help you reexamine your structure and outline with an eye toward plot holes and character development. Then, based on your goals and needs, she'll help you figure out a timeline for completing your draft.
CALL 6: Talk with Cristin about any of the emotional challenges of writing you may be facing and come up with a plan for your next steps once your draft is complete.
In addition to your meetings with the authors, you will also be invited to join our community of writers, where you can ask for advice or support, find beta readers, or just blow off some steam dissecting the latest publishing drama.
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